The Industrial and Cultural Revolution

Morgan Log House

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Morgan Log House
850 Weikel Road
Towamencin, PA 19443


Morgan Log House is believed to be the home of Daniel Boone's grandfather, Edward Morgan.  Morgan was a Welsh Quaker, and one of the early Welsh pioneers of Pennsylvania. 
The original structure was once condemned and scheduled for demolition to make room for a new housing development.  In 1967, architect Albert F. Ruthrauff recognized the structure's significance, and spearheaded the effort to preserve and restore the original log house.
Restoration was completed in 1976.  Nearly 90% of the original fabric of the house was saved.  Date-marking has shown that the house was original built in 1695.  Morgan Log House was entered on the National Register of Historic Places in 1973.
The Morgan Log House is open for tours and exhibits many examples of antique and colonial furniture, household tools and decorative arts from the early Quaker and Welsh traditions.

